Harmony's Picture Warehouse

A photo frame with several cardboard mounts placed around it A mobile phone being used by someone A framed award with two coins mounted and an Indian headdress cut out A series of mount cuts displayed on a wall


Don't keep your favourite moments in a box.

Your achievements and memorable moments are unique and they should be treated that way. Too often, our treasures are stored in boxes and out of view. We offer a better way. Using specialised techniques, we can create beautiful commemorative displays and frame anything you like, so that you can proudly display them in your home.

We can frame them all.

Visit us today and see.

Here at Harmony's Picture Warehouse, we have been framing and mounting items for more than 25 years. In this time our customers have brought us some strange and wonderful framing projects. We provide an excellent bespoke framing service, for anything from classic school photographs to family heirlooms.

We offer competitive rates, free parking and most importantly, a professional, friendly 'can do' attitude. Bring us your projects today and let us get to work for you.

Visit or call us today.

It's your life.

Display it like you're proud.